Jan 21, 2014

When you state your opinions try to make sure they are based on facts not emotions

Quite often when people first hear about ABDLs or ageplayers they will have a negative reaction that is based solely on emotion. It is understandable for people to have this reaction, after all age regression bushes some pretty serious buttons. Carol watched Riley's episode of My Strange Addiction and made a reaction video based on her emotions. After she made this video, she reflected on what she had seen and what she had said. She learned more about the subject and as she learned more her opinion changed.

She developed an opinion that was based on facts rather than emotion and she is now one of our supporters. She did not take her video down and I am glad because it shows that people can change their mind on this subject. It is a sign of high moral character to admit you made a mistake and I applaud her for it.

If you are going to advocate for ABDLs and ageplayers I would ask you to learn from her example. Before you post a comment take the time to reflect and gather information. At the very least read the video description and the recent comments. If you had bothered to read the description of this video you would have learned that Carol has changed her mind.

Everyone makes mistakes and I am no exception to that rule. I only ask that you try your best to avoid making knee jerk reactions when posting comments. Instead set a good example and show that we are more mature than our critics even if we wear diapers.

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