Jan 20, 2014

Reality TV, amount of time spent roleplaying, age ranges and diapers

Another response to someone asking honest questions about ABDLs:

Ageplay and ABDL issues are complicated and Reality TV simultaneously tries to simplify the explanations and exaggerate the portrayal for shock value. Stanley spends more time roleplaying than most ABs, and even in his case he only roleplays for 2-3 hours a day.

Most ABs would be better described as Adult Toddlers, and it is actually quite rare for someone to strictly act in a manner to a specific age. In fact it is much more common for ageplayers to have a range of ages that they identify with, and interests might switch from 8 year old activities/roles to 2 year old activities/roles or even aspects of both simultaneously.

It is quite common for ABs and adult littles to watch cartoons and old TV shows, play video games, play with Legos, color a coloring book, or just lie on the couch with a blanket cuddling a stuffed animal. Typically we enjoy doing these things whether or not we are dressed up or diapered.

Most ABs also have adult interests in their life. Roleplaying is only one of many things I enjoy in life and it might be my very favorite thing but I would not want to give up my grown up interests and activities. I act like a grown up when I need to and when I want to. Roleplaying is something that I do in my spare time. There is even a saying in the AB community that you can't be an Adult Baby without first being an Adult.

As for the diapers, that is a bit more difficult to explain to someone who doesn't share the same positive reaction to them. As an adult baby I would describe it as a tactile trigger to implicit memories from early childhood. However, there are also people who have a diaper fetish who are not interested in age regression roleplaying. Some of them might enjoy wearing diapers because of the tactile trigger, but others might enjoy them for other reasons.

I should also note that while it is rare, there are people who roleplay as a baby or toddler who do not have an interest in wearing diapers. I understand if you find the prospect of wetting a diaper to be gross. Bodily fluids in general are taboo in our society. Keep in mind that urine is sterile and it is a mostly harmless activity unless you go too long without changing. Also, not everyone who enjoys wearing diapers will use them. But even if you don't wet your diapers you still have to be careful because sweat is practically the same as urine.

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