Mar 1, 2012

Responding to Religious Based Arguments

Recently an antagonist has been making a lot of comments, mostly, or entirely, based on their religious beliefs. The first comment I made was not in reply to any of their comments, but when they replied to my comment I replied back. What they wrote was not particularly noteworthy so I will not bother to post any of it here.

Religious based arguments are irrelevant. Riley lives in the US where we have freedom of religion. Riley, like everyone else in the US has the right to follow the religion of her choice, or not, as she sees fit. There is no official state religion here.
Also note that ABDLs are a diverse group. It is not surprising that the majority of ABDLs in the US are Christians, as that is the religion of the majority in the US. In Dubai or Iran I expect that the majority of ABDLs there follow Islam.

You have a right to believe whatever you want to believe. You have a right to your own opinion, but you do not have a right to your own facts.
When you express that someone is "sick" you are making a factual claim. Factual claims require evidence based in reality. When you post such claims in a public forum, others may respond by challenging you to provide evidence to support your claim.

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