Dec 12, 2013

Embrace the word Weird

There are some ABDLs who are offended by the word weird. I've said it before and I'll say it again, there is nothing inherently wrong with the word weird. Weird just means different. Something that is different might be right or wrong, but it's being different is not relevant to it being right or wrong.

 In my observations most ABDLs and most Kinky people are pretty normal outside their kinks. I think of people in general most people have something about them that is different, that is weird. In fact, if someone was completely normal I think that would actually be really weird. It's not normal to be completely normal. Having interests that make you stand out is essential to having a well rounded personality in my opinion. I think we should embrace the word weird. Besides, we wear diapers and act like babies. While there is nothing wrong with that I think it is absurd to call it normal.

Anyway, here is a video from a weirdo who as far as I know is not an ABDL:

[VLOG] I'm a Weirdo!

Dec 9, 2013

How Bronies deal with Criticism

For maybe a year I noticed pony pictures in ABDL forums and wondered why people were into them. Then I actually watched the show and it is actually pretty good. What surprised me most of all was that the fandom is even more interesting than the show. Riley mentioned in one of her videos that she went to My Little Pony conventions and I thought it was just people buying vintage toys. Why do you even need to go to a convention for that? Can't you just buy them online? Now I know that there is a lot more to their community than cheap plastic toys.

What impresses me the most about bronies is the way they deal with haters. The fandom was born on 4chan so the first generation of bronies was quite familiar with trolling. Many of them had done their fair share of trolling themselves, so they are resistant to giving in to trolls. The trick is to not give a fuck. Much of the hate directed at Bronies is similar to what ABDLs might see from time to time. The brony fandom has grown since the early days, and the neophytes need education in the ways of trolling. Here is an interesting video that tries to explain to the newbies what the real deal is. I think it is good advice that ABDLs should take to heart.

 How to Brony: Dealing with Criticism

Dec 5, 2013

Why Do I Like Spanking Fetish?

Two blog posts in one day. Anyway, here is a long comment that I wrote to a youtube video on spanking.

  Why Do I Like Spanking Fetish?

I have observed a strong correlation between spanking and ageplay. Not everyone into spanking is into ageplay, but it is quite common for people into spanking to also want to dress up like or roleplay as a child.

As for why a person has an interest in spanking, it is going to depend on the individual. Like other fetishes I think that for many people it is an extension of childhood obsessions. Even if you were never spanked as a child, most likely you had friends that were, and even threatened with spankings by teachers, babysitters, and other parents. We also live in a culture with media saturation. Growing up I remember references to spanking in many cartoons, tv shows, movies, books etc. A cartoon that is of particular interest to Adult Babies is the Tom and Jerry film Baby Puss.

Would we still be spankos or littles if we had not been exposed to media such as this? There is no way to know for sure. There is also a question of are we the way we are because of these cartoons etc., or are they only remarkable to us because we are spankos or littles?

Baby Puss

Dec 4, 2013

Adult Babies as Roleplaying

Just wrote this for youtube. I like the longer comments of the new comment system. Other aspects of it are confusing.

One of the great things about being an adult is that, within reason, you can do pretty much anything you want in your spare time. Some adults like roleplaying. There are many different kinds of roleplaying such as Teacher/Student, Slave/Master, Plumber/Housewife, and Doctor/Patient. Ageplay is just another form of roleplaying. Most people into this are more interested in playing a role younger than their true age but someone playing as a person older than themselves would also fall under the definition of ageplay. Adult Babies are simply people who like to do roleplaying as an infant or toddler. We don't need to grow up. We are grown up. We have jobs and responsibilities just like other adults. Just because you are grown up doesn't mean you have to act like it non-stop 24/7.